Remember the days when teenagers cut grass for their parents or neighbors for a small fee? It was a great way to make money then, and it is still an excellent way to make money now. However, mowing lawns as a hired professional is much different than cutting grass for some summer spending money. For one thing, customers will expect the business to show up with the necessary equipment and tools to do the job right. Also, the work completed needs to be professional because clients are not going to tolerate missed spots in the lawn, ragged edges, flattened flower beds, or damaged bushes and trees. Before tinkering with someone else’s landscaping, it is important to know basic gardening and landscaping principles. People are hiring professionals because they want a professional job.

Even the simplest landscaping business offers more than grass cutting. They usually edge around sidewalks, trim and prune bushes, rake, weed, lay sod, clean up cut grass from sidewalks, clean out flower beds, and so on. It is necessary to identify the specific type of services offered to customers so that the right equipment and tools are purchased and available for getting the job done.

One of the advantages of starting this type of business is that it does not cost much to get started, and it may be tempting to jump in without proper planning. Keep in mind that business planning is just as important for the lawn mowing business as it is for any other business.

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Following are few points to consider when developing the business plan:

• Obtain a business license and purchase adequate general business and
business liability insurance.
• Create a price list for various services, like mowing only or bush trimming only, and for services packages, like complete yard service. Consider single job prices versus monthly, seasonal, and annual service contracts.
• Make a complete list of equipment, tools, vehicles, and trailers needed to provide efficient services.
• The Professional Landcare Network is a professional trade association with over 100,000 U.S. members who are landscape industry professionals. Thousands of the professionals are self-employed contractors running lawn maintenance businesses. Every business has competition, meaning the business owner needs to identify the market base and determine the best way to promote the business to likely customers. Marketing includes everything from leaving business cards on front doors to maintaining a website.
• Landscape maintenance professionals can service residential and/or commercial properties. Commercial jobs are usually contracted, and an attorney should review the contract form the business plans on using. This can prevent a lot of problems should there be a dispute between the business and customer concerning services or payment.

Since the need for lawn service is seasonal, savvy business owners will identify off-season services to generate income year round. For example, the business might offer snow shoveling services during the winter months. Some companies offer year round maintenance services to people who travel a lot or who spend winters in another location. A carefully planned lawn mowing business will stay busy all year with the right planning.

OGS Capital can help business owners develop a business plan that is designed to provide a clear path to profitability and sustainability. Expert consultants work closely with the business owner to ensure all facets of the business are considered. Completing the simple online form will start the process.

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